áróra in iceland

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‘It’s ten percent of the overall value, or nothing.’
‘Five percent is the absolute limit for this kind of thing.’
‘Up to you,’ Áróra said and got to her feet. ‘Then you can find someone else to track down your money, and good luck with that because I’m as good at hiding cash as I am at finding it.’ …
‘I have a twenty-four-hour recall option on all my bank transfers,’ Áróra said, taking out her phone, tapping in the banking app code and cancelling the transaction. ‘Done,’ she said, ans walked out of his office. …
Áróra was halfway across the parking lot outside when she heard his voice behind her. …
‘That’s it,’ Áróra said. ‘Now we’re all square.’
She turned off her phone, dropped it in her pocket and waited a moment, just to see the car salesman’s face when he saw the result. She didn’t have to wait long.
‘No!’ he yelped, his voice full of despair and pain. ‘We’re not all square. That’s only half. Less than half …’
‘That’s right,’ Áróra said. ‘And it was an educational experience to see just what you’re really like. I started to have my doubts about your tales of woe – how your wife had hauled you over the coals during the divorce, had taken the house, and all that stuff you were whining about last week. So I’ll return the half that’s rightfully your wife’s to her Swiss account.’

This was one of the real perks of her job: being able to dispense her own justice.

from: Cold as Hell

Murder and Financial Crime

Áróra’s sister … she is dead. At the very beginning of the series, in the first novel – just before the first chapter – it is obvious that her sister is dead as well as that she was murdered.

Áróra’s mother, living in GB, is devastated when she doesn’t get any sign of life from her daughter during about a fortnight. She insists this her daughter at least twice a week or so is online, makes phone calls … and hopes that Áróra will help.

Áróra isn’t amused about all this because she knows that her sister lives in a dangerous relationship, is a victim of abuse, was hurt by her partner more than once, seriously bruised … Áróra rushed from GB to Iceland more than once to save her sister – only to learn soon that her sister moved in with her partner again. Finally she stepped back and when her sister closed all communication channels she accepted it with a shrug of her shoulders.

However, her mother presses hard and so Áróra gets a flight to Reykjavík to look after her sister. She hopes that it’ll be done over a weekend, however, her sister seems to have vanished into thin air. Her mother finally arranges a meeting with an in-law uncle of Áróra, who is a detective dealing with homicides and similar serious crime. Together they start to investigate …

Concerning her sister Áróra learns a lot of foul play where she is involved, even about some criminal activities. Her boyfriend who is the prime suspect blocks anything and insists that she left Iceland for GB. However, there is no evidence that she went to GB or anywhere. Otherwise there is also no corpse anywhere …

The story around her sister evolves slowly and there are some people around her sister who have a finger in the pie whatever happened. For the reader the mystery unravels slowly … and there is a mess concerning the evildoer and innocent bystanders … However, the corpse of her sister is not found – so Áróra, now convinced that her sister is dead, starts her very own search within a consequential radius of Reykjavík concentrating on vast and empty nature areas like fields of lava with her car and a drone implying that she doesn’t return to GB, but stays in Iceland.

In parallel to the dramatic story of Áróra’s sister there are more crime cases, partly connected to her job as a financial investigator, partly brought in by her in-law uncle, the detective. We are talking about fraudulent bankruptcy, kidnapping and extortion, human trafficking, money laundering, organized crime … and of course murder.

Áróra is a clever woman and she is good at her job as a financial investigator. She often gets a feeling what might have happened as well as she is able to get to the bottom of any mess – financial or not. Also she has a clear understanding about right and wrong … and law and order. Her straightforward acting sometimes endangers her life, but she masters it even if she has to make some sacrifices.

Her love life?
Well, there are one-night-stands … maybe her in-law uncle will get a chance …

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a faint cold fear thrills through my veins ... william shakespeare