dsi boyd wakes the dead

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“You’re lucky to have lasted this long the way you carry on I’m not having a pop. I grew up on the same fumes: get the collar and the how doesn’t matter. Now we’re under a bloody microscope and the how is everything.” Deputy Chief Commissioner Smith

from: season 9

Murderous Cold Cases – a Tiger and his Prey

DSI Boyd is mad. He is obsessed with solving any crime he lays his hands on. Of course there are lots of cases waiting for him to be re-opened because he is the head of an exquisite team of experts dealing with cold cases.

As a rule suddenly there is a corpse or part of a corpse (or even more than one corpse), bare bones, mummies or somewhat in between. A good way to find them is wrecking a building or engaging in substantials road works. Also the sewage system or remote lakes or ponds like to release their hidden secrets after years. Not to be forgotten there are curious dogs running around and sniffing through the scrub happy to come back with a bare bone. Well, it’s not only years, but sometimes decades after the crime happened.

Whatever: when something turns up Boyd and his team are ready to tackle the case.

The team is small. There are two police officers helping Boyd with the daily office work and research in any data base available – also walking the streets to look for any witnesses and doing interviews. Their workload is high and they are often irritated and disappointed.

There is a brilliant forensic expert, a pathologist, a crime scene analyst – all concentrated in one person, a rather young good looking scientist, a highly intelligent woman. She is fit in all research and analysis methods, ruling a lab equipped with modern technology (like the well-known CSI team), so that she is always able to deliver hard evidence for each case.

In addition there is a psychologist, a profiler, a senior woman with a bag full of experience and knowledge of human nature. She is reserved and watches everything around her, however, as soon as she is convinced of a motive, a background story, a suspect, she starts into action.

Boyd couldn’t be so successful if his team didn’t care for … everything.

Boyd himself often tears off, smashing china, putting his foot in it. Especially after the preliminary phase of identifying the corpse resp the corpses and their social setting, their families, their job relations … It isn’t uncommon to find a missing person file for the victim, however, sometimes nobody seems to have missed anybody.

Then, during the next phase like reconstructing whatever happened, Boyd gets fierce – especially when he suspects that somebody doesn’t take him seriously. He often has good gut feeling about the real offender, but how to prove it? Boyd likes to run riot – and sometimes even attacks a suspect physically. The only person who is able to stop him is his senior psychologist who sometimes is annoyed to have to intervene and to have to clear the mess up after Boyd.

At the end each cold case is solved and each murderer gets his comeuppance.

Cold cases are everywhere. There is no limitations a special social classes or professional categories. It sometimes gets dodgy when a crime committed decades ago now resurfaces among people of influence like politicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities in media … Boyd doesn’t know any limits, never.

Does Boyd have a private life?
He was married, now he is divorced. He’s got a son, now grown-up, but a drug addict. When his son was young Boyd was primarily married with his career and he lost sight of him. The relationship between father and son is difficult. Boyd would like to to stay in touch and help his son, but … his son is murdered, another dead drug addict. (Of course Boyd investigates … and finally arrests the killer who turns out to be a serial killer.)

At the end Boyd retires and walks aways into the setting sun after a last drink with his team.

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a faint cold fear thrills through my veins ... william shakespeare